Monday, July 13, 2009

Lakeview Hospital- my second home! And gardening.....

Our first garden together! Even though it belongs to my Aunt Julie... we had a blast planting everything!
I've had several people ask me about where I work and what its like; here are a few pics!

This is one of the two halls I work on......

Yeah, this pic was taken at like three in the morning, but there are these sweet little pictures of babies down the whole postpartum cute!


C and MC said...

I wish I was delivering at Lakeview. I would love to have you as my nurse. I bet you are awesome.

~*~toni~*~ said...

Hey C and MC....she IS awesome!

Jake and Morgan said...

Wow what a fun job. I have heard Nursing school is not easy so congrats! How is the house coming along?

The Taggart's said...

Yea Lakeview!!
You rock Jenna!

~*~toni~*~ said...

Jenna...Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog! It made me cry (what else is new?) but came at a very good time!